Quilt Show News — Final Reminders

We are about to finish this journey and want to congratulate all of you who have helped get us here. We just need to get this over and behind us. Please talk to your friends, have them sign up for set-up because we need more people! Bring your ladders and be prepared to have a great day. We are thankful for everything you've already done. We really and truly mean this from the bottom of our hearts. Thank you so much for sticking to it, for hanging in there, and for getting it done.

Remember that the drawing for the raffle quilt is on October 19th, which is our regular Guild meeting night. That meeting will be by Zoom, so several of us will be doing that from Lake Bluff where it is required that we receive the winning numbers. We will then notify the general meeting of the winner so that everyone can be apprised live. If you are not at the meeting on Zoom you will read about it in the next newsletter following the raffle drawing or on our Facebook page. At the time of this writing, I can say that we have made over $4,400. We hope to be able to go over $5,000 to $6,000 when we finish. Everybody has been very helpful in this new raffle adventure. Please contact us if you have any questions at all and good luck with the show.

Madge Pierce and Barb Jolley, Quilt Show Co-chairs


Quilt Show Set-Up

Our schedule for Wednesday, September 29, is to start at 7:30 a.m. to mark the floors. Tables will be delivered at 9:30 a.m. and washed to be ready for setup on Thursday, September 30. We could use a couple of strong men or women to move them for washing. Movers will deliver the equipment from Nancy Smith’s house. There is always a need for more help marking the floors.

We currently have 50 openings but only 29 people have signed up for SET-UP!

Many people understand that they are coming to drop off their quilts and then will be told to help with the set-up. This year we will need you to be more understanding of our needs. Please let us know you plan to help by putting your name on the schedule. That way we know how many we will have to work with. See the Staffing article below for signup instructions.

We need 4 or more who can climb ladders and 5 in the equipment depot (mostly sitting jobs).

If you are able to do any of these tasks, please add that in the comments section when you sign up. Click on the job in the list and the comments will appear on the left side of the screen. Sign in with your email to be able to make a comment.

We need everyone's help at set-up and take-down. Set-up begins at 8 am this Thursday!

Madge Pierce and Barb Jolley, Quilt Show Co-chairs
Sue Minster, Set Up/Take Down Chair



How can you help publicize the show in the next few days?

  1. Distribute bookmarks to friends, family, and local businesses. Need more bookmarks? Please contact Dorothy Roderick. I also have a limited number (~150) available for pick-up in Lake Forest.

  2. Email your friends and family a personal invitation to attend the show. Make sure to include information about dates, times, location, features of the show (e.g., Silent Auction, Boutique, vendors, Quilts of Valor, etc.), and the link to purchase raffle tickets.

  3. Like, comment, and share Facebook posts from our public Facebook page. The more you interact with our posts, especially by sharing the posts to your personal page or other groups, the more people see the posts and learn about the show.

  4. RSVP “Going” (not just “Interested”) to our public Facebook event page and share it to your personal Facebook page. Please invite all of your Village Quilter friends and other non-guild friends!

Also, thank you to Margaret Martin for creating all of the graphics and printed materials for the show!

Jocelyn Galloway, Quilt Show Publicity Chair




  • Double-check all items for price tags.

  • Double-check inventory sheets. Make a copy of the completed sheet for yourself.

  • Bring your completed inventory sheet with you when you come to check in on Thursday morning.

  • Bring any items you have that will enhance the display area.

  • Bring any flat bedsheets you have to cover the Boutique area in the evening. Sheets will be returned.

Any Questions? Call or email Judi Young, Laura Partridge, and Barbara Peterson, Boutique Co-chairs


Quilts of Valor

The Quilts of Valor Ceremony will take place on Saturday, October 2nd at 1:00 p.m. during the show. We are honoring seven veterans this year. Everyone is invited to attend to say "thank you" and pay tribute to these honorees for their service to our country. A small reception will be held immediately after the presentations.

Cheryl Mercy and Linda Spring, QOV Co-chairs


Quilt Appraisals

Our quilts are truly works of art and we should have at least one quilt appraised to have an idea of the replacement value if something should happen to it. I will be at the show every day if you would like to sign up there. Please contact Judy Hillebrand to sign up before or during the show, or you can sign up with Sandy Schweitzer at the show.

Judy Hillebrand, Quilt Appraisal Chair


Raffle Tickets

Have you purchased your raffle tickets yet? Why not? It’s easy! Get out your credit card and go to the Village Quilters Home page and click on the BUY RAFFLE TICKETS button. Follow the prompts.

Don’t like using the computer? Contact Dorothy Roderick to pay by check or cash. Every Village Quilter member is expected to buy $25 worth of tickets.

Many thanks to those who have already purchased their raffle tickets!

Kathy Avellone


Staffing Committee Needs You!

If you haven’t yet volunteered for the quilt show, now is the perfect time. There are a number of key areas requiring your assistance. Check the Members' Show Info page to sign up. Scroll down and you will see the section, "Sign Up to Volunteer at the Show", and a button that will take you directly to the SignUp website. We need all members to participate to have a successful show. If you need assistance with the SignUp website, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Barbara Schober, Staffing Chair