About Village Quilters

About the Guild

People join a guild because they are drawn by the common creative goal of making beautiful quilts.

Our guild serves many functions:

  • It provides an outlet where art can be shown and shared at monthly meetings and biennial quilt shows.

  • It creates an environment of learning and inspiration by inviting well-known fiber artists to make presentations and teach classes.

  • It fosters fellowship through group activities such as bees.

  • It funnels creative energy into service projects that benefit the less fortunate.

Quilters do what they do because they love this form of art. Most do not sell their work—they give it away to friends and family to cherish for generations. Quilts are a gift of love, and quilters are generous and loving people.

Village Quilters has members from different parts of northeastern Illinois. Approximately 100 members create a diverse array of quilts and wearable art, and we showcase our talents every other year at our quilt show. We have a strong program schedule, and we're very active with service projects

History of the Guild

In 1982 a group of women in Lake Bluff started a quilting bee they called Village Quilters. The Group was formed from a quilt-making class held at a now defunct quilt shop, and the women met to help each other baste their newly made quilt tops. In February 1983, members began to meet regularly at the Lake Bluff Library and elected officers. Village Quilters met at the library until 1989.

Village Quilters holds regular quilt shows, typically in alternate years. Village Quilters sponsored its first quilt show on April 16, 1988 at the Gorton Community Center in Lake Forest, Illinois. The show’s raffle quilt, “Village Stars,” was a group project produced by the guild.


Place: Grace United Methodist Church (244 East Center Avenue) in Lake Bluff, Illinois
(enter through the parking lot doors) or online via Zoom
Date: Third Tuesday of the month
Time: 6:30pm social time, 7:00pm meeting followed by program

Guests and new members are always welcome (guest fee is $10.00). 
Membership forms are available at the meetings or join online.

Organization of the Guild

The board consists of a president, vice presidents of membership and programs, secretary, treasurer, programs assistant, newsletter chair, members at large, and quilt show chair. Current standing committees include historian, ways and means, library, sunshine, service, NQA representative, round robin, and webmaster.

More information can be found in the Village Quilters bylaws.