November 2019

November Speaker: Deb Strain, fabric designer for Moda Fabrics


Tuesday, November 19, 2019, at 7:00 PM

For our November 19th membership meeting, come enjoy a lecture and trunk show on fabric designed by Deb Strain for Moda Fabrics. She will also be vending her designs, providing us with a shopping opportunity as well.

A former art teacher with a life-long passion for art, Deb draws and paints her fabric designs by hand. She loves working with intricate colors and patterns and has created over 100 collections since starting with Moda! Her artwork has also been featured on many different products over the years – calendars, greeting cards, garden flags, books, framed prints and more. Recently, she and her husband Scott proudly launched a line of notecards for sewing and quilting enthusiasts titled “Sew Noted”.

Deb and Scott currently live in their new hometown of Yellow Springs, Ohio. With one of their three children on the East Coast, one on the West Coast, and the third one next door, life is filled with long-distance calls, traveling, and helping watch the twin grandsons that live next door.

You won’t want to miss this interesting program (or the opportunity to pick up some of Deb’s beautiful designs!)

Kathy Avellone and Kearstie Grenier, Program co-chairs

Holiday Party

Come Join us for an evening of friendship and laughter!

You are invited to Village Quilters Annual Holiday Party on our regular meeting night, Tuesday, December 17, 2019 from 6:30-9:00 PM at Grace United Methodist Church in Lake Bluff. Enjoy a lovely, catered pasta dinner from Deerfield’s Italian Kitchen, and an evening of fun and holiday cheer with other guild members. Dinner will be served at 6:30 PM!

The cost is $12.00 per person. Please RSVP by bringing your check (made out to Village Quilters) to the November 19th meeting or mail it before December 1st to Debra Dodd. Debra’s mailing address can be found in the Membership Directory, which can be downloaded from the Members Only page.

Please bring a wrapped gift (value $15.00) for a special game. The gift should have either a sewing or a holiday theme. For example, the gift can be a ruler, fabric or a quilt book. Participation is limited to those that bring a wrapped gift.

At the November meeting, we will be circulating a clipboard for members to sign up for the following (indicates quantity needed):

Volunteers are needed to donate:
2-liter soft drinks (6)
Desserts (8)
Holiday table runners borrowed from home for table decorations (10)
Small poinsettia plants (10)

Volunteers are needed to donate your time to:
Setup or cleanup (2 each)
Coordinate a holiday game or two (2)

Note: There is No Show and Tell this evening. You have an extra month to finish your projects.

We look forward to enjoying an evening of celebration with our quilting friends!

News from the President



Kudos to all who helped make our 2019 quilt show a grand success! Collectively we are an awesome group; our show displays our creativity, our hard work, and our determination to get a huge job completed. Under the leadership of Madge Pierce and Christine Tindell, we really showed off!

Now that the show is past, we can get back to the projects that we have been putting on hold. For some of us, the feeling of having our lives back is welcome. I finished two quilt tops and I’m working to finish a third one.

The October retreat was a success and there was talk of another as we were leaving. Sharon agreed to continue to plan the retreat for us. Soon she’ll return to the venue to inquire for a date for the next one.

At the retreat, Karen Jacobsen and Deb Dodd agreed to plan the December holiday party. They have a fun evening planned. Karen and Deb are relatively new members. Hurray to them for getting involved!

Also, remember to start looking around your “studio” for items that you wish to donate to the Brown Bag Hustle in January. This is a great fund raiser for our guild. We consistently raise over $700 for our kitty. That is not bad for turning one person’s donation into a good looking quilt by another. If you pay attention to Show and Tell, you have seen what can be done.

At the October meeting I asked for suggestions concerning the quilt show from each of you. Please comment freely. If you have a thought about something new, or if you think something is stale, write it down. I commented at the guild meeting about our membership and how finding ladder climbers is becoming more difficult. This is an issue that we need to address. You can send a note to me through USPS or you can email your comments to me. I have received quite a few in the mail and most comments are unsigned. Thanks for all who have responded. I will take these suggestions to the Quilt Show Board meeting in November. I will ask that these suggestions be included in the final report for the 2021 Quilt Show Board.

Enjoy this November. I, and I’m not the only one, have a feeling that we are going to have several weather surprises this month. If the weather is contrary to being outside, I guess we will have to spoil ourselves in front of the machine. (Not the washing machine, not the iron (except to press seams), not the vacuum, but our sewing machine!)

Marti Austin, President

Thinking Ahead – New Board Members for 2020 - 2021

It’s not too early to start thinking ahead to next year. We will be asking for members to fill the guild’s board for the 2020-2021 year of Village Quilters. The new board members will be elected at the April 2020 membership meeting. If you are interested in serving as a board member and taking a more active role in the guild, please say something or email Barbara Schober or Marti Austin. You should know that I have enjoyed my almost two years serving as President. What I like most is the interaction with the members. Everyone is positive and friendly and we all share a single goal – to help make our guild all it can be. You will enjoy it too, I am sure.

Marti Austin, President

Quilts from the Village XVI Wrap-up

Thank you to all that helped in some way with the Quilt Show: displaying one or more quilts, donating items to the Silent Auction or Boutique, setting up or taking down the show, volunteering during the show, and/or taking on one of the many tasks in preparation for the show.

Viewers’ Choice winners:

Here are some comments from Committee Chairs:

Quilt Appraisals – from Judy Hillebrand

Thanks to everyone who signed up for appraisals at our spectacular quilt show. I hope you were all pleased with your result and that all members will consider having an appraisal or two done at our next quilt show. It is a very interesting and educational process. Thanks also to Sandy Schweitzer who spent hours looking at our gorgeous quilts – and she loved every minute of it.

Check-In/Check-Out – from Feather Schroeder

Many thanks to our terrific Check In/Check Out team. You were energetic, efficient, accurate and cheerful! Wonderful job – everyone appreciates your efforts. Very grateful!

Quilts of Valor – from Cheryl Mercy

A great big thank you to the quilt makers and presenters and everyone who helped organize, set up, and helped to make the event such a success! Thirteen Quilts of Valor were awarded to 12 men and 1 woman, from Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines, in every conflict from the Vietnam War to the present day. Thirteen more quilts were given to Deb Sherrock for her to present to other veterans at some time in the future. All the squares for a new Quilt of Valor were completed at the Sit-n-Sew during the Quilt Show.

Quilt Show by the Numbers:

Paid admissions: 616 (270 on Friday and 346 on Saturday)
Quilts displayed: 220 small, medium, or large quilts, 27 Art Quilts, and 28 Quilts of Valor
Raffle Quilt sales: $6098
Raffle Basket sales: $351
Boutique gross sales: $4057
Silent Auction: $2534

Treasurer’s Report


Balance as of 9/23/2019: $17,663.89
Income: $8,924.66
Expenses: $4,245.21
Ending Balance as of 10/23/2019: $22,343.34

Income this month was from the Quilt Show: raffle ticket sales, Silent Auction, and Boutique. Expenses were also for the Quilt Show: miscellaneous and Boutique state sales tax.

Respectfully submitted,

Mary Ellin Innes, Treasurer



Happy November Birthday to:

HB Autumn colors.jpg

Erika Eddy – 11/20
Ginny Flock – 11/04
Judy Hillebrand – 11/03
Gwendolyn Jaeger – 11/18
Kimberly Jurco – 11/19
Barbara Peterson – 11/16
Barbara Schober – 11/19
Yolande Sherrod – 11/26
Patricia Swank – 11/12

If you are a new member in the past year and have not yet received your gazebo pin, please let us know! Also, if you need assistance in designing your permanent name tag, we can help with that as well.

Kimberly Jurco and Celia Stratman, Membership co-chairs