August 2023

August Program – Carol Wilhoit

Tuesday, August 15, 2023 at 7:00 pm 

Our August speaker arrives with a plethora of terrific information to inspire all of us! Join us to hear Carol Wilhoit's lecture “Infinite Opportunity: Quilts Hidden in Your Stash”. 

Carol will discuss using scraps to make a beautiful quilt. The lecture addresses key design principles to make multi-fabric quilts work. Examples of color combinations will be provided to help provide ideas for selecting and using fabrics simply from your stash. And who doesn't have a bountiful stash? You can find out more about Carol at her website,

Carol's lecture leads beautifully into August's workshop on Wednesday, August 16!

Cheryl Mercy & Kathy Sorkin


August Workshop – Free Sew-In for the Quilt Show Boutique

Wednesday, August 16, 2023 at 8:00 am, Faith Lutheran Church, 680 W. Deerpath Rd., Lake Forest

This will be a creative session to make items for the upcoming Quilt Show Boutique. We can’t believe it is only 3 months until our show! Since everyone is finished with their show entries, it is now time to work on donations to the Boutique.

We have 13 member vendors who will donate 15% of their earnings to the guild. You can still sign up if you wish to be a member vendor.

We also rely heavily on items that have simply been donated for sale! The August workshop will be a sew-in for this purpose. We will provide some patterns and fabric to work with, or you can bring your own projects and ideas to share.

Please let us know what you will be donating and sign up to work a shift or two. We have several items that have been donated already, and we want to say thank you to those who have taken projects to complete.

Looking forward to a successful sale of awesome things!

Madge Pierce & Barb Jolley
Boutique Co-Chairs


We Want Your Feedback: Advance Programs

Please take a few minutes to provide suggestions/feedback on possible speakers and workshops for May 2024 through March 2025.

Speaker/Workshop Survey


Christine’s Chatter

We’re in the “Dog Days of Summer”, which means it is time for the county fair. I was in 4-H for 10 years and spent “fair week” at our fairgrounds every summer. I made many friends and enjoyed selling from the 4H food stand, showing projects, eating corn dogs and getting absolutely filthy. I loved it. I hope you were able to attend the Lake County Fair in July. Every year I intend to submit a quilt but when the fair rolls around, I have missed the deadline.  

Deanne Eisenman from Snuggles quilts had a lovely trunk show at our July meeting. My ears perked up when she talked about fabric organization. I have stored my fabric in sweater bins for the past 20 years and the older I get, the harder it is to manage them due to size and weight. I started using Deanne’s system and began with fabric that I don’t use very often. I was able to organize it into 2 smaller bins and folded the fabric the Marie Kondo way with the folds up. I folded all fabrics larger than 2 yards onto fabric folding boards. I think it will take me over a year if I tackle all of my fabric! I enjoy it because I’m a bit of an organizing nut! It will also help me to identify the things that will go to the January Brown Bag Hustle.

I attended Deanne’s workshop the day after our meeting. I have worked with wool for over 4 years, but I learned quite a bit from Deanne. Our workshop was full and I made a new friend in the process.

Thank you, members, for supporting the visiting opportunity quilts from other guilds. We will have another raffle quilt at our September meeting from Illinois Quilters. I also appreciate our members who have taken our raffle quilt to other guilds and Farmer’s Markets. Celia Stratman and I took “Moonlit Poppies” to a guild in St. Charles on July 24th, and it was well received! Pam Eulberg trained us beforehand and had all of the instructions printed out. Pam is a delight to work with and the raffle ticket sale process is not scary at all!

Speaking of raffle quilts, have you been telling your friends and family about our lovely quilt, “Moonlit Poppies”? It is very easy to sell tickets. Go to our web page and go to the Quilt show page. There is a link to “Buy Raffle Tickets”. It’s easier than ordering from Amazon.

I will be heading to my summer quilt retreat this month. I’ve been getting projects ready which is fun because I love to cut (and tidy up) fabric. 

Keep cool,


Quilt Show News!

It’s August! What might you be doing this month to support the guild and the October 20 and 21, 2023 VQ show? There’s a lot you can do!

Give yourselves a huge “well done”! We have over 285 quilts registered to be hung in the show. That is fantastic! There are sixteen Art Quilt challenge quilts and over 50 Red and White quilts for our anniversary display.

Ours is not a juried show, but ribbons will be awarded to quilts chosen as viewers’ favorites. There will be ribbons for Favorite Large Quilt, Favorite Medium Quilt, Favorite Small Quilt, Favorite Art Quilt Challenge entry, and, for this show only, Favorite Red and White Quilt. (Please note that for a red and white quilt to be eligible for a prize, it must have been made by current a VQ member.) Bonne chance!

I reported at the last guild meeting that only 20% of members had purchased raffle tickets! That number is increasing, but if you haven’t gone online to get your tickets, please do it now. It’s easy! We realize that this system doesn’t give you credit for the tickets purchased by others due to your encouragement, but we should see your name on the list as having purchased some raffle tickets! Check in with Susan Surdyk if you have questions.


The bookmarks are in; now, get them out! The bookmarks are gorgeous, but they are useless if they are not in circulation. Challenge yourself to give out at least 20 bookmarks. Hand them out in person as you invite people to the show. Pop them in an envelope and send them to friends, etc. If you need more than 20, just ask Erica Jarrett for more.

Volunteer to sell raffle tickets at a local farmers’ market or guild meeting. Pam Eulberg has a schedule of events.

Support the Boutique (Barb Jolley and Madge Pierce) and Silent Auction (Donna Derstadt and Erica Jarrett) by donating your handmade items.

Mark your calendars!

Wednesday, August 16th – Sew in for Boutique

Thursday, October 19 – Quilt Show set-up. All members are expected to attend and to help.

Friday and Saturday, October 20 and 21 – Quilt Show – All members are expected to work at least two shifts and to help take down the show.

If you have questions about the show, please don’t hesitate to ask! Also, make friends with the Village Quilters website as there is a wealth of information to be found there. Keep sewing!

Kathy Avellone
Quilt Show Chair 


Last Chance to Submit Quilt of Valor Quilts!

The deadline has passed to submit quilts that will be hung in the show. 

However, you still have until August 15, 2023 to submit Quilt of Valor quilts that will be donated (but not hung).

You must enter a photo to complete your submission.

Unlike previous years when you emailed your photo, this year you will submit your photo using the online form. 

If possible, please submit your photo when you enter your quilt.  However, if you run into issues, you will get a follow up email with instructions for submitting your photo.  Deadline for photos is August 25, 2023 for QOV quilts that will not be hung.

To make things easier, we have prepared these instructions to help you upload your photos.  

Need help submitting your photos? 

  • Contact Enid Mattimiro for help (see membership list for contact information).

How Do I Submit My Quilt?

Step 1: Submit a separate entry form for each quilt.

Step 2: Check that you have received an email confirmation from “VQ Show Cataloging” for each submission and that all the information is correct.

Step 3: If you were not able to attach a photo when you submitted your entry, you will receive an email in 5-7 days that has the following:

  • From:

  • Subject: VQ Show 2023 – Entry # Photo Instructions

This email will include further instructions and a link where you can upload your photograph.


Quilt Show Volunteer Staffing – We Need You!

The Staffing Committee is charged with organizing workers for the quilt show. There are many jobs that must be performed to make the show successful. White Gloves, Boutique, Silent Auction and Vendor Host are standing jobs. Admissions and Raffle Quilt Sales and Hospitality are primarily seated jobs. In other words, there is an opportunity for EVEYONE to help!

The need for volunteers brings us to volunteering online. We are all asked to sign up for a couple of jobs for pre-show setup, during the show or take down, sitting or standing or building or running. Whatever you are able to do, please do! It is a great time to have some fun, make new friends, and we also provide lunch on Thursday, Setup Day! During the show you can interact with guests and show off our beautiful quilts.

On Setup Day, Thursday, October 19, every guild member is asked to participate if possible! We can’t have a show without setup! Remember that there are tasks even during setup that can be accomplished while seated.

While the show is in progress, Friday and Saturday, every guild member is expected to volunteer for AT LEAST TWO time slots. Boutique member vendors are expected to fill one volunteer slot in the Boutique and two additional slots somewhere else.

Here's how it works in 3 easy steps:

1) Click this link to see SignUp:

2) Review the options listed and choose the spot(s) you like.

3) Sign up! It's easy - you will NOT need to register an account or keep a password on SignUp.

Note: SignUp does not share your email address with anyone. If you prefer not to use your email address, please contact me and I can sign you up manually

Volunteer Job Descriptions:

Admissions: Greet guests and take the entry fee. Each paying guest is given a wristband which helps us know how many attendees we have. Also, offer each guest a ballot to vote for his or her favorite quilts. You will be handling money. Calculators will be provided. This is a seated job.

Raffle Quilts: Sell tickets for our raffle quilt. You will be handling money. This is a seated job.

White Gloves: You are the protectors of the quilts. Roam the quilts on display and engage guests in conversation about the quilts. Answer questions, draw viewers’ attention to details in the quilts, and generally guard the quilts from sticky fingers. Wearing white gloves allows you to touch the quilts and turn the corners to show the backs. You will be on your feet and moving around. 

Boutique: Sell boutique items. Help customers find treasures that they will want to take home with them! You will be handling money. Calculators will be provided. You will be on your feet and moving within the boutique. 

Silent Auction: Monitor the silent auction table and quilts. You will be handling money. Contact Donna Derstadt for more information. 

Hospitality: Monitor the hospitality room, including managing the very limited refreshments and keeping the area tidy. This job can be done mostly seated.

Vendor Host: Overall, promote vendor satisfaction. Introduce yourself to each vendor and offer any help or assistance. Point person for vendors to call on for any problems that arise. Be available as a 5-to-15-minute booth sitter, especially for vendors that are alone. This means just watching the booth, no transactions.

Andrea Krier
Staffing Chair 


Quilt Appraisals

We are truly fortunate to have a Certified Quilt and Textile Appraiser at our show in October. Suzanne Swenson will be there to appraise your quilts. Appraisals take approximately thirty minutes and cost $50.00 (cash or check, payable at the time of the appraisal). Suzanne generously donates $5.00 from each appraisal back to our guild at the end of the show.

Please contact me to sign up by email, phone call or in person at one of our general meetings.

Judy Hillebrand
Quilt Appraisal Chair 


Quilt Check-In/Check-Out Information

I want to welcome new members who are displaying quilts in our show for the first time! Rest assured that Village Quilters has developed a seamless procedure whereby your quilt is checked into our care, hung in the show and then returned to you. In later newsletters we will present our system, which works well but is dependent upon YOU, the maker, to follow our guidelines for an efficient and speedy process.

Members who have participated in the past can also be helpful in explaining the process. You will learn about the simple guidelines very soon!

Feather Schroeder


Fall Quilt Retreat: September 29 – October 1

If we start counting on August 1, there are sixty days until our fall retreat! Now is the time to start making your plans, cutting your fabric and organizing your project bags.  Don't forget to bring along projects that can be sold at the quilt show boutique, or at the silent auction. Have fun with your friends while you help the guild.

If you would like to reserve a room at the hotel, let me know. I have contacted everyone who is currently on the reservation list. If you did not receive an email from me from last week, please send your request to me again. Check out our website for my email address.  

Also, if your plans have changed and you will be unable to attend the retreat, let me know. There are members waiting to be added to the attendee list. Again, email me or give me a call.  

Stay cool and think about how much fun we will be having during the early days of this fall!  

Marti Austin


Treasurer’s Report

Balance as of June 1, 2023: $27,981.28
Income:  $3140.85
Expenses:  $2358.45
Ending Balance as of June 30,2023: $28,763.68

Income was from Workshops, Retreat and Membership. 

Expenses were Raffle, Membership, Programs, Website and Membership refund.

Respectfully submitted,
Madge Pierce, Treasurer 


Membership Report

We currently have 88 Members. Invite a friend to join our fun!

If you have any questions about VQ Membership, please contact Andrea Krier or Sharon Pierluissi. The current membership directory is on the website.  Please check and let us know if there are any mistakes.

Happy August Birthday to the following members!

Liz Culver – 8/14
Sally Evanshank – 8/4
Nancy Giebel – 8/30
Liz Greenhill – 8/17
Alice Hutchinson – 8/1
Laura Partridge – 8/1
Gayle Springer – 8/1