March 2020

Program: Best of the Best

Tuesday, March 24, 2020, at 7:00 PM - Date Change for March Program!


Because Grace United Methodist Church is a polling place for the Illinois primary elections on March 17th, our meeting will be delayed to March 24th at our usual time and location. Remember to vote on the 17th and then attend the Village Quilter's meeting on the 24th when our program will be "Best of the Best".

"Best of the Best" is a chance for each of us to share one quilt that is dear to our heart. It could be a first quilt ever made, or the best quilt ever made, the quilt that wrapped a first child or grandchild, a family heirloom, the most recent quilt made, or any other quilt that is special for any reason. As you show your quilt, be prepared with a short story (a few sentences) of why it is special to you. This is a chance for all guild members to celebrate our love of quilts and quilting. Don't miss the chance to participate in this unique program!

Kathy Avellone and Kearstie Grenier, Programs


Advanced Programming

Kate Brennan and Sharon Pierluissi have been hard at work lining up speakers and workshops for the upcoming year. At the next guild meeting there will be information given out on all of the planned programs.

For this newsletter May and June's program will be highlighted.

On Tuesday May 19th, Lori Dickman will lecture and present a trunk show on her Favorite 3-D's: Dresden's Diamonds & Drunkards Paths. Lori's workshop the next day will focus on an updated take on Drunkards Path. This will be presented as a 47" x 47" quilt, making it very accessible. Join us to see how Lori uses templates and two different quilt squares for this beautiful quilt.

On Tuesday June 16th, Emily Lang will lecture on her journey in Modern Quilting. The next day her workshop is Improvisational Piecing. We will work through a series of steps to allow ourselves to find comfort and creativity in improvisational piecing. This workshop includes a copy of her Off The Grid pattern for finishing your work into a quilt or pillow, as well as a list of prompts for future creative improv sessions.

We hope that many of you will join us for these lectures and workshops.

Kate Brennan and Sharon Pierluissi, Advanced Programs


News from the President



Remember that our meeting date is changed. Vote on March 17th and attend our meeting a week later than usual on March 24th.

The February workshop was a success. We all had a great time. The workshop focused on learning Marla Yeager's technique for sewing her fractured log cabin using her material. If any of us are a bit embarrassed about our fabric we purchased long ago, we need not be. Marla's fabric was beyond unattractive. It was a perfect way to learn her technique. When we messed up, Marla quickly reminded us that it didn't matter; we weren't ruining our fabric, just learning.

I completed the 1/4" Seam Allowance Challenge that Donna Derstadt presented to us in the February meeting. I was pleased that I didn't have to take apart too many seams. I'll bring my block to our March meeting. Be sure to bring yours also for a chance to win a cool prize!

We should be very proud of our guild. Kathy Sorkin presented us with the opportunity to donate blocks for quilts to be made for the victims of the Australian fires, and again our guild members stepped up. I keep my ears open to learn about the quilting charity work that our members are involved in. I'm continually impressed. You ladies are amazing!

I'm looking for a volunteer to plan our annual April potluck. It's not hard work and there are always people that will help. If you are interested, please give me a call or email me. Remember to bring your favorite quilt to our March meeting.

Marti Austin, President


Service Project – Quilt Blocks for Australia

Quilts for Australia.jpg

[image: Quilts for Australia.jpg] A big THANK YOU to everyone who made tree blocks to be sent to Australia. They were BEAUTIFUL! As of February 24, 2020, Australia had received 4,000 blocks, enough for 200 quilts. Also, a big THANK YOU to the anonymous donor that paid for the shipping of the blocks. I feel so honored to be a member of such an awesome group.

Kathy Sorkin, Service Committee


Quilt Retreat April 3 – 5, 2020


Our quilt retreat will be held again at the Hilton Garden Inn in Mettawa. All of the slots for the quilt retreat have been filled. If you are still interested in attending the quilt retreat contact Sharon Pierluissi to have your name placed on a waitlist. Remember that if you are signed up for the retreat and want a room to stay at the Hilton you need to let Sharon Pierluissi know by March 10th. The rate for the room is $95.00 per night. If you have any questions or concerns about the retreat please contact Sharon Pierluissi.


Library news


As I am taking a new role in April, I am stepping away from the library after a long tenure. Jo Bailey has volunteered to be a new librarian and Maggie Schmude will still manage the online library with check-in and check-out of books, but due to her husband's health she cannot always attend our meetings. If someone is able to assist Jo on meeting nights, it would be greatly appreciated. See me before the March meeting if you are interested. I arrive at 6:30 pm. It's fun and you get to meet people!

Christine Tindell, Librarian


Treasurer's Report


Balance as of 1/25/2020 $23,542.03
Income: $2,604.20
Expenses: $1,281.50
Ending Balance as of 2/24/2020 $24,864.73

Income this month was from the April Retreat, Membership and Workshop fees. Expenses were for the February speaker.

Respectfully submitted, Mary Ellin Innes, Treasurer




Happy March Birthday to the following members!

Bobbie Etchell – 3/03
Jocelyn Galloway – 3/29
Madge Pierce – 3/20

Membership co-chairs Celia Stratman and Kimberly Jurco