March 2021

Program: Tool Time

Tuesday, March 16, 2021, at 7:00 PM via Zoom

Put on your flannel shirt and join us for Tool Time at our March 16th meeting. 

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There are so many tools and gadgets that quilters have to choose from. Are they really worth the money? We’re going to try and answer that question. We have members that will be giving their personal reviews of different tools and techniques. Have you bought an iron that rocks your world? Did that special glue baste make all of your seams perfect? We have room for more reviews. If you have experience with an item and would be willing to share your review with the guild, please notify Marti Austin or Sharon Pierluissi. We would love to have you share your feedback at our meeting. Here’s another one – does that rotary blade sharpener really work? We need to know these things.

In May we have Karen Miller joining us for her lecture “Align your FMQ Stars” and then the following Saturday Karen will work with us on our doodle skills with “Quilter’s Doodles”.

In June we are privileged to have Annie Smith join us for her lecture “How Has Tech Changed the Way We Quilt” followed by an applique workshop developed just for us!

In July we have Jennie Smith joining us all the way from England to talk about her new book “Quilting with Liberty”.

Kate Brennan and Sharon Pierluissi, Programs

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Christine’s Chatter

We are in a season of transition from Winter to Spring. Today I took down all of the winter themed decorations in our house. I’m hoping it will bring on warmer temperatures. There are glimpses each day of renewal with the robins singing and the snow melt. Yesterday was so beautiful, I actually took a long walk and actually was sweating and had to take off some of my layers. I hope you have also had an opportunity to be outside and feel the sun on your face. Making birthday blocks remind me that soon, tulips will be blooming.

Our speaker in February, Lori Dickman, challenged us to tackle curved seams. At the last minute, I signed up for the workshop and had a wonderful time. I can’t remember the last time I was able to attend a workshop and doing it virtually was so easy. Thank you to our programs co-chairs for arranging this workshop via Zoom. I was able to finish the top on the day of the workshop. I used some fabric I’ve had for years and am pretty pleased with how it turned out.

This month, the programs topic is “Tool Time”. I’m looking forward to hearing about items on the market that I’ve not explored. I’d be interested to see how many of us order even more tools to use for our craft after our meeting.

The quilt show committee is planning for our show in October. Please trust them to make the best, safest decision for our guild. They will not plan a show if it puts any of our members or attendees at risk. With the advent of the vaccine, the hope is that the majority of our population can be vaccinated by summer. If we are to have a quilt show in October we have to plan. I am asking that you as members trust the Board and the planning committee. We must plan now if we are to have a show; we can always cancel or postpone, but we still must start the process. The show is the main money maker for our guild. It helps pay for speakers, workshops, and many other expenses that we have.

Enjoy the weather and hoping to see you soon.

Christine Tindell, President


Zooming with IQI

Illinois Quilters (IQI), like us, is also meeting virtually for their monthly meetings, generally on the first Thursday of the month at 7:00 PM. They have shared with us their schedule and invite guests for a fee of $10.

  • March 4: Jaimie Davis: “History & Mystery of Baltimore Album Quilts”

  • April 8: Brenda Gael Smith: “Quilts & Composition” + Studio Tour (from Australia)

  • May 6: Patricia Belyea: “Alluring World of Japanese Yakata Quilts”

  • June 3: Suzi Parron: “Following the Barn Quilt Trail”

  • July 8: Rose Parr: “Sew Smart – The Ergonomics of Healthy Quilting”


Former Guild Member Looking for Assistance

Marge Molitor, a former VQ Guild member many years ago, has a number of antique quilt tops that she would like to hand quilt. Is anyone willing to help her or give her advice on a quilt shop that could? She is looking for input on batting and quilting patterns, etc.


Service Projects

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Quilt of Valor Block of the Month

For March, continue to make two blocks for your “Flying Flags” quilt. I made a Double Pinwheel for the star portion of one of the blocks. Instructions can be found on the Generations website. Follow the cutting instructions for the 6” finished version.

More information can be found on the Village Quilters Service page.

Hopes and Dreams Challenge

I would like to thank everyone for their beautiful quilts donated and sent so far. A final mailing will be at the end of May, so there is still time to make a quilt. Lap or bed sizes are preferred. The minimum size requirement is 35” x 44”. Think of that $1,000 prize!

Thank you for all your hard work and donations!

Kathy Sorkin, Service Committee


Quilts from the Village Show 2021

Things are looking up due to the progress of vaccinations and the fact that the Libertyville Sports Complex (LSC) is planning to open the beginning of summer. We will be having our next show committee meeting March 9, when we will begin to get things going with each committee. There will be changes to some processes such as quilt travel and ticket sales.

It has come to our attention that there may be some who think that having a quilt show may not be safe. We understand the concern. The LSC and your show chairs are both monitoring the situation and will not allow the show to go on if it is not safe for everyone to attend. There may be requirements by the health department and/or LSC; however, we have to comply with rules and will do what is needed. We have all been unable to do much over the past year and having this goal to look forward to is exciting.

We hope that everyone has been working on the various projects (Silent Auction, Boutique, Quilts of Valor, ALS Challenge, beautiful quilts and the Art Quilt Challenge). We are so glad to have our sewing projects to keep us busy. We need to continue planning the many parts of the show so we are ready by October, but if the situation changes and requires a cancellation of the show, we only lose the time we have spent. Nothing else is lost. Waiting to begin is not an option – we must get started now, if the show is to be successful.

Madge Pierce and Barb Jolley, Quilt Show Co-Chairs


Birthday Blocks


March already – Saint Patrick’s Day, National Quilt Day, and – would you believe it, the first day of Spring! Just one birthday block this month. You can always make an extra block or two in your own colors to expand your collection. Happy sewing!

Nancy Smith and Edythe Hirasawa


Treasurer’s Report


Balance as of 1/26/2021: $24,482.97
Income: $168.40 from Workshop fees
Expenses: $600.00 – February speaker and Workshop
Ending Balance as of 2/26/2021: $24,051.37

Respectfully submitted,
Alice Hutchinson, Treasurer



Greetings from the Membership Committee!


Invite a guest to our monthly VQ Zoom meeting, and we will waive the usual guest fee! To have a guest join us on Zoom please email Sue Ann Kuby with your guest’s name and email address a few days before the meeting. She will contact your guest and give them the link to access our meeting. Please do not give them the access information yourself. Note: remember that guests may only attend a maximum of three meetings per year.

Happy March Birthday to the following members!

Bobbi Etchell – 3/03
Jocelyn Galloway – 3/29
Madge Pierce – 3/20

Membership co-chairs Sue Ann Kuby and Kathy Avellone